Monday, January 21, 2013

Macs are Better

This image’s audience is computer buyers. Many people consider the “Mac vs. PC” debate when buying a new laptop or computer. The cars have the logos in the back, of Windows, referring to PC’s, and Apple, referring to Mac computers. Both car trunks are open, letting us view where most of the car parts are.  
The “windows” car looks like an older car. It’s a ugly tan color, and the man next to it looks older as well. Under the hood of the “windows” car, the parts are broken and torn, they look confusing even if they are not broken, and they too have a darker, boring color to them. The man standing next to it looks frustrated, like he is tired and about to give up, even though the car is still broken. He looks like he could be wearing the outfit of a car repairman. The “mac” car is white and blue, it has a sleek shape, and everything under the hood looks clean and organized, with a simple switch in the middle. It looks very “futuristic”, and the man is wearing blue and white as well. The man is not fixing anything, and he looks happy, pleased, and satisfied. He looks younger and energized, and his outfit even matches his car. Like cars, many users like them to be fast. We can assume from this image that the white car goes faster, because of its shape and sleekness.
These cars and the men standing next to them symbolize the computers, and every aspect of them. Windows computers are old and many are extremely slow. They are usually bigger and heavier with less memory, and they break all the time. Once you get them fixed, the problem may continue, leaving you to bring it back, paying for both repairs, much like an older car. They crash and get viruses. Depicted by the man, they are tiring and overwhelming, and difficult to fix. Macs, on the other hand, do not break in the first place. They cannot get viruses, they are sleeker, and have more memory. Any PC with as much memory as a mac will be 15 pounds heavier. The users are always pleased. They are easier to use and manage.  This picture shows computer buyers that macs are better, faster, easier, newer, and are an investment. The outfits and attitudes of the men prove that people like macs, its part of our future. You may pay a little more, but you wont have to pay for it to get fixed 10 times. 
This image shows that Macs are better, user-friendlier; last longer, and overall worth it. They are completely different than windows computers, not just a better version of them. 

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